Happy New Year

Dear friends,
To honor this long-awaited new year, I want to offer you some simple wishes.
I hope you enjoy these wishes. And I hope you’ll share your wishes with those you care about– your family and friends, colleagues and teams– so we can together create the new world we wish for each other in the year ahead.
Inspired by the traditions of poetry, blessings, and lovingkindness meditation:
I wish you health May you be healthy
I wish you safety May you be safe
I wish you freedom May you be free
I wish you adventure May you be adventurous
I wish you peace May you be peaceful
I wish you love May you be loving
I wish you success May you be successful
I wish you happiness May you be happy
I wish you hope May you be hopeful
I wish you beauty May you be beautiful
I wish you ease May you be full of ease
May it be a bright 2021 for all,
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