Join me at the Fast Company Innovation Festival

Dear friends,
I hope this finds you healthy and well.
As we continue to navigate our way through uncharted territory at work, at home and in public life due to the pandemic and a host of related complex challenges (and opportunities), I want to let you know about new ways to learn to create Optimal Outcomes for yourself, your team, your organization, your family, your community, your world– as the world around us shifts.
Tomorrow (Thursday, Oct 8) I’ll be speaking at the Fast Company Innovation Festival about how to create optimal outcomes at work– even during a pandemic, even working remotely. Other speakers include the Malala Fund’s Malala Yousafzai; the CEO of Novartis; and the actress Michelle Pfeiffer— each discussing innovative ideas to change the world. I hope you’ll join us. Please click here to register.
In addition, Optimal Outcomes was recently featured on the television show The List TV, in a segment called 4 Ways to Manage Conflict at Work. You can view the original broadcast here. It’s powerful and different from anything Optimal Outcomes has done before!
Good Housekeeping recently ran an article called 11 Techniques Successful Couples Use When They Argue, featuring Optimal Outcomes. The piece is part of a larger package of articles called the Election Survival Kit, which I highly recommend. It is chock full of helpful ways navigate through this unprecedented election season in the U.S.
Optimal Outcomes was also featured in Canada’s The Globe and Mail, in an article called Stop Waiting on Others — Free Yourself from Unwanted Conflict, and on the podcasts Scaling Up Services and Management 3.0, among others.
I hope you’ll enjoy and benefit from these multimedia ways to learn more about how to achieve optimal outcomes in all areas of work and life. I look forward to hearing what you think.
And I look forward to hopefully seeing you online at the Fast Company Innovation Festival tomorrow!
In freedom,
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