Optimal Outcomes Resources


8 Practices to Break Free From Conflict

This two-page introduction to the Optimal Outcomes practices highlights the essence of each practice and shows how all the practices fit together.


Conflict Map

Use this tool to identify new insights and levers for change in any situation.


How to Create an Online Conflict Map

Use this software to draw your conflict map using digital tools. Get creative!


Values Packet

This packet includes the Values Inventory, the Values Map and additional values worksheets in one comprehensive PDF document.


Values Inventory

Use this inventory to identify your own and others’ ideal and shadow values.


Values Map

Identify overlaps and tensions among your own and others’ ideal and shadow values in any situation.


Imagine Your Ideal Future

This worksheet helps you use all five of your senses to imagine the ideal future you’d like to create in any situation.


Pattern Breaking Path

Identify ways to break free from conflict by taking simple but surprisingly different action than you’ve taken before.


Test Your Path

Use this worksheet to think ahead about the potential unintended negative consequences of any new actions you might take.


The Reckoning Template

This template helps you compare the anticipated costs and benefits of taking several different courses of action so you can ultimately identify your Optimal Outcome.


Optimal Outcomes for Teams

In this exclusive bonus chapter, you’ll learn new ways to think about and create Optimal Outcomes for your team and entire organization.


Introduction Chapter to Optimal Outcomes

Enjoy this complimentary Introduction Chapter to the book. It opens with a story from Dr. Goldman-Wetzler’s own life, and compellingly describes the power of creating Optimal Outcomes in all areas of work and life.

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