TEDx Talk: Free Yourself When Conflict Resolution Fails

Have you ever wished you could free yourself from conflict at work, home or in the world?
In my work, it’s been a privilege and pleasure to help people do just that.
On June 22, I’ll be giving a TEDx talk in New York City: Free Yourself When Conflict Resolution Fails. It’s based on the book I’ve been hard at work writing, Optimal Outcomes: Free Yourself from Conflict, due out from Harper Business in February 2020.
I’ve been working on this book for the past 13 years. With gratitude, I’m getting excited to share the Optimal Outcomes Method beyond the walls of the Columbia classrooms and client boardrooms where I’ve taught and applied the practices over the years.
TEDx events being what they are, this one is almost sold out– at last count, there were 8 tickets left! But the good news is that you’ll also be able to livestream it on June 22.
And I’ll let you know when my talk is posted after the event — I can’t wait to hear what you think.
In the meantime, I’ll keep practicing my talk in anticipation of giving it for each of you!
Wishing you a wonderful start to the summer,
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